The Dhaka Times
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'Dust monster' blew up a child! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Sometimes we hear about such 'dust monster'. But it is difficult to understand whether it is true or false. Because in reality this 'dust monster' blew up a child!

Dust Monsters took away a baby

According to media reports, 'Dust Devil' is a kind of whirlwind. It eats within a meter range. Its height is from 10 to 100 meters. However, this whirlwind is not that harmful. But sometimes it gets noisy again.

Recently in China, a school student fell into the hands of a dust devil. The incident happened at a school in Gansu province. In that school, the students were enjoying 'Sports Day' that day. Suddenly the 'dust-monster' appeared. At this time, the teachers tried to move the children. Just as one dust devil was roaming the field, a second entered. It was of a more sinister nature than the first.

At this time very small and underweight children are laid on the ground. Before everything can be taken care of, the third vortex comes suddenly and takes a student straight up. Attempts were made to catch the child but to no avail. Finally he hit the ground.

However, the child was not seriously injured. He was taken to the hospital and given initial treatment.

Check out that video of Dust Devil!

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