Categories: general

After the drop in oil prices; All gas cars are gone!

The Dhaka Times Desk After the drop in oil prices, the general public thought that car rentals would go down somewhat. But that sign is not yet visible. When asking questions when renting a car, one answer is 'our gas car'! That is, after the drop in oil prices, all gas cars have become!

This is the first time that the price of a product has been reduced, creating a history of price reduction in Bangladesh. The sale of fuel at a reduced price has started from 12 midnight on Sunday. The price has been reduced by 3 to 10 taka per liter.

We have seen many times in the past that when the price of oil goes up, car rents go up overnight. But this time after lowering the price of oil, the car rental has not been heard to reduce even a single rupee. When asked to pay the fare while traveling on the road, the answer is 'I am Aida gas car sir'.

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This is how it is going after the drop in oil prices. Although the government had earlier said that the fares will come down after the oil price falls. But we may have to wait for a few more days for the government instructions. However, after that wait, how much the rent will be reduced is also a matter to be seen.

The history of our country always tells otherwise. It has been seen that if the price of oil increases by 5 taka per litre, the fare is increased by 5 taka per person even for a short distance. In other words, car owners and drivers benefit when oil prices rise. And now even after the reduction in oil prices, owners and drivers are benefiting. People are in the same situation. In such a situation, the general public's question is, what is the benefit of reducing the price of oil?

There is a great lack of government policy in our country. If the government policy and law enforcement is correct, the car owners will not be able to collect extra fares from the public in this way. Gas car or oil car can also be checked by the government. Traffic police can check the road with barricades. By checking, it would be possible to find out which gas car and who is renting it for how much. Now that's the way. Experts feel that this matter needs to be taken into consideration after the government directives.

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ২৬, ২০১৬ 12:41 pm

Staff reporter

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