The Dhaka Times
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How many more bodies will we see?

The Dhaka Times Desk As the day goes by, it seems that humanity is rising. News of the dead body at night. Turning on the TV is a scene of grotesque brutality. But how many more days? How many more bodies will we see?

And we will see how many bodies

In comparison, our position as a nation is not bad. Various incidents are happening in different countries of the world. But why will this happen in our country? Can there be so much violence in the country where the common people liberated this country with their blood?

When I opened the newspaper today, there was a picture of the dead body. As soon as the TV is turned on, the image of Nirma appears on the screen. Why is this happening? What is the reason for this? We have to find them first. It is our national responsibility to uphold democracy and people's right to vote and vote. That responsibility falls on the government as well as on our common people. Because we are not outsiders.

We all know how many murders have been committed in recent times. Starting from Tanu, a college student, murders are happening one after the other. Rajshahi University professor, former prison guard, former US embassy officer Zulhaj Mannan and his friend Mahbub Rabbi Tanoy, many such incidents have shaken the nation.

Journalists who are the conscience of the nation, the murderers of journalist Sagar-Rooney are still hiding in power. Maybe in front of us those murderers are flourishing! But we can't even recognize them.

After the killing of Sohagi Jahan Tanu, there were day after day protests, protests were held all over the country but to no avail. The killers are still at large.

After one incident there is no justice or the real killers are out of touch the same incidents are happening again and again. As militants are getting active, opportunists are also taking advantage of this opportunity. It can't be. It needs to be separated. If the killers are arrested and brought to justice as soon as possible and the harshest punishment is not provided, we will have to witness many more big incidents in the future. Which none of us can wish for.

So it has become very important to bring the murderers to justice as soon as possible. If not, we have to pay for it. If we can't do the right thing in time, we really have to pay. Let us all be vocal, work together to create awareness. Then the independent-sovereign state of Bangladesh can really stand tall in the court of the world.

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