The Dhaka Times
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Mysterious unknown information about the indelible ink of the vote!

The Dhaka Times Desk The ink used after voting is indelible ink. It cannot be wiped off with soap or anything. This report contains mysterious unknown information about the indelible ink of the vote!

indelible ink

Have we ever seen such ink? Which cannot be washed with soap or anything. Maybe it gets deleted at some point. But it takes months after months. So what is in that ink? Today's report is about that mysterious ink.

Even today it is not revealed exactly what the formula for making voting ink actually is. The formula for making voting ink is known only to those who make this ink. But not everyone knows the whole thing. Each knows a different part. Just work together, this indelible ink of the vote is made in such a formula!

According to one information, one of the main components of this ink is a chemical substance of silver (silver nitrate or AgNO3). In the sixties, the National Physical Laboratory handed over this formula to an organization in India. Mysore Paints and Varnish Limited is the name of the ink manufacturing company in Mysore. Abbreviated as 'MPVL'.

This indelible voting ink contains silver nitrate. As silver nitrate comes into contact with the skin and mixes with the skin's salts, it reacts in a way that washes off with water. But this ink is not sold in the market. This ink is procured by the government for voting.

According to the contract, the company has kept the ink secret to this day. The secret of making this ink is kept secret from the company except for a few people. It is known that alcohol is mixed in that ink. Due to which it dries in a short time. But the real secret lies in the silver nitrate itself. As soon as this ink is applied to the hand, the silver nitrate causes a special reaction with the protein of the skin of the finger. The stain cannot be removed. Sunlight on that ink makes it more chipped. The higher the amount of silver nitrate in the ink, the longer the ink will last. That is why this indelible ink is used after voting. So that no one can vote more than once. And that's why so much mystery exists in this ink.

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