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Who will Stephen Hawking vote for?

If the Conservatives have another 5 years, it could boomerang on the army, health and safety issues

The Dhaka Times Desk Britain's election today. Who will Stephen Hawking vote for? This question is now global. Because there is no end to the world's interest in this world famous scientist.

স্টিফেন হকিং কাকে ভোট দেবেন? 1

Space scientist Stephen Hawking has said he will vote for Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn, according to media reports. This information is known from the news of the British media The Independent.

Today (June 8) is the date for Britain's general election. According to the latest news, the election will be held on the same day despite the continuous bomb attacks.

Various equations are going on in Britain about the election. But more is written about famous people. It is known that Stephen Hawking is not so confident of Corbyn. However, he decided to vote for the Labor Party. Stephen Hawking, a world-renowned scientist, thinks that if the conservatives have another 5 years, it could be a boomerang for the public, health and security issues.

Hawking expressed his sentiments about Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn: 'His heart is in the right place. His policies are also right. But there is a problem. He wants to be recognized as a radical leftist in his own identity.

Hawking, a world-renowned scientist who made huge contributions to physics and astronomy, commented that the victory of the conservatives could spell disaster for the public.

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