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Palestinians will remember Stephen Hawking for the rest of their lives

The world will forever remember Stephen Hawking for his groundbreaking theory

The Dhaka Times Desk World famous physicist Stephen Hawking has passed away. After his departure, various things are coming up. Stephen Hawking will be remembered by Palestinians for the rest of his life for what he has done for Palestinians.

ফিলিস্তিনিরা স্টিফেন হকিংকে মনে রাখবে সারা জীবন 1

Stephen Hawking, the most talked about scientist of the present time, died at the age of 76. Even with long illness, his creative work never stopped, his sense of humor never dimmed. This scientist never gave up his sense of originality.

Just as the world will forever remember Stephen Hawking for his groundbreaking theory, the scientist will also be remembered for his support of the Palestinian cause.

Scientist Stephen Hawking was scheduled to deliver a speech at a high-level conference in Israel in 2013, but he made headlines by boycotting the conference.

Stephen Hawking was working at Cambridge University in the UK at that time. Former Israeli President Shimon Peres hosted the conference in Jerusalem called The Presidential Conference.

In a letter, Stephen Hawking told the organizers, 'The policies of the Israeli government will lead to disaster.'

In the letter, he added, 'I accepted the invitation to the Presidential Conference not only for the purpose of giving my opinion on the peace process, but also because I could give a speech on the West Bank.'

'However, I have received emails from several Palestinian academics. All of them said, I should support the boycott. In view of this, I have decided that I will definitely refrain from attending that conference' added this best scientist of the time.

At the time, Stephen Hawking was unabashedly praised by Palestinian activists and academics for boycotting the conference. That is why Filipinos are always grateful to this scientist. His words will be remembered by the Palestinians forever.

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