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Trump is being flexible on the issue of banning Muslims from entering the United States!

The Dhaka Times Desk Donald Trump, the candidate for the nomination of the Republican Party in the country's presidential election, is flexible on the issue of banning Muslims from entering the United States.

Trump & Muslims embargo

Donald Trump, the candidate for the nomination of the Republican Party in the country's presidential election, has softened his position on the issue of a temporary ban on the entry of Muslims into the United States.

In response to a question from the news agency Fox News about the newly elected mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, Trump revealed his attitude of changing his position. "The ban was really just a proposal," Trump said.

According to BBC news, after being elected mayor of London, Sadiq Khan expressed fear that he will not be able to travel from the United Kingdom to the United States if Donald Trump is elected president. Because he is a Muslim.

After this was revealed in the media, Trump said that he would make an exception for Sadiq Khan. However, the new mayor of London rejected this proposal of Trump.
Sadiq Khan thinks that the decisions of this American businessman, who is ahead as a candidate for the presidential election from the Republican Party, are not reasonable. It will make the UK and US more insecure.

It is to be noted that last year, after 130 people were killed in the attack by gunmen in Paris, Donald Trump announced that if he is elected US president, he will ban Muslims from entering the country. After that, fierce discussion and criticism started around the world. Donald Trump was widely criticized in the United States for this proposal. However, this American businessman is still adamant about his proposal.

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