The Dhaka Times
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Love between two young women: sensation in the area!

The Dhaka Times Desk Love is natural in humans. But a strong love between two young women surprised everyone. The names of these two young women are Gauri and Khadija.

Two young woman in love

Such a rare case of love happened in Kuraltala village of Chitalmari upazila of Bagerhat. Two young women of the same age. Being home side by side, they have been coming and going between each other for a long time. Locals thought that it was normal as the two people were in a girlfriend relationship. But the problem is when things go the other way. Then the two families were worried about the matter.

These two young women are involved in a deep relationship. They are not willing to leave each other for a moment! They can't be separated in any way even with a hundred attempts. They say that if necessary they will die together and live together.

The rare love story of two teenage girls has created a lot of sensation in the area. Hearing that one girl is falling in love with another girl, they flock to the houses of those families. Is there such a relationship between girls and girls? Such questions are now circulating among them.

Local residents and the families of these two girls told the media that Gauri Baroi, the daughter of Balak Baroi of Kuraltala village of the upazila, has a long-standing girlfriend relationship with Salauddin's daughter, Khadija Akhtar. They used to visit each other's house for a long time. The family members also take the matter naturally. But gradually their relationship takes a different form in deep love.

They got involved in a deep relationship. Both of them would disappear from home whenever they got a chance. The family members are not able to turn them from such attitude despite their efforts. The two families are in such an embarrassing situation.

Gauri and Khadija's statement is that they want to live together for the rest of their lives - that's what they both claim! They said they love each other. They want to spend the rest of their lives together! These two are not even willing to live with their husbands.

Gauri's father Balak expressed his anger and said that no one else should have such a girl. A month ago he was married to a good man to get his daughter back. However, instead of going to her husband's house, she went to Khadija in Dhaka.

Although she was brought back home with many tricks, she no longer wants to go to her husband's house. Despite many explanations, he cannot be returned from Khadija. She is worried about her daughter. If you get a chance, you have to keep an eye on him because he will run away again.

Khadija's mother Fatema Begum said that her daughter was sent to Dhaka to separate her from Gauri, but Gauri came to her there by phone. They also have to face a lot of trouble regarding this matter.

Moreover, a misunderstanding has arisen between the two families. Upazila Mahila Parishad chairperson Helana Parveen said about the matter that usually love-love relationship develops between boys and girls. But that seems to be a different matter altogether. We are still not able to understand Gauri and Khadija's relationship. Their families are also in trouble.

Khadija said that she is now trying to leave Gauri. But Gauri is not leaving behind him in any way.

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