The Dhaka Times
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India supports Nizami's death sentence

The Dhaka Times Desk In response to the execution of Jamaat's emir Maulana Matiur Rahman Nizami for crimes against humanity in the Liberation War, India supported Nizami's death sentence.

India supports death penalty Nizami

India has made a statement in this regard. According to the statement, they supported the trial process of war crimes organized in the liberation war of Bangladesh in 1971.

Referring to this matter as an 'internal issue' of Bangladesh, India said that there is widespread public support in Bangladesh for this trial.

In response to a question last Thursday, the spokesperson of the Ministry of External Affairs of India, Vikas Swaroop told reporters, 'The issue of war crimes trial is an internal matter of Bangladesh. It also has massive public support in the country.'

Matiur Rahman Nizami was executed in Dhaka Central Jail on Tuesday night. After the execution of the verdict, Pakistan strongly protested by calling Nizami a 'best friend'. On the other hand, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan opposed the execution by calling Nizami "innocent" in a statement. Türkiye also withdrew the ambassador appointed in Dhaka on Thursday.

It should be noted that India fully supported and cooperated in the liberation war in 1971. India helped the freedom fighters in various ways including training.

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