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A strange pizza about two kilometers long!

The Dhaka Times Desk Have you ever seen a pizza this big before? Maybe don't answer. But today look at a huge pizza. That will surprise you!

Pizza in a strange, almost two kilometers long

The birthplace of pizza is called the city of Naples in Italy. So in order to break the Guinness Book of Records for the world's longest pizza, a food company has built a two-kilometer-long pizza in this city. Recently, the pizza was made on the beach of this city.

To break the world's longest pizza record, this huge pizza was made on the seashore of Naples, Italy! This gigantic pizza is a little over a mile (1609.34 meters) long.

It is known that 2000 kg of flour, 2000 kg of cheese, 1600 kg of tomatoes, 200 liters of oil, 30 kg of mint leaves and 1500 liters of water have been used to make this pizza!

Alessandro Marinasi, the owner of an establishment called 'Pizza Village' in the city of Naples, organized the making of this pizza. Its chefs have taken the help of a specially made motorized wood stove on wheels to make it.

This pizza took 11 hours to make, and was made by 100 chefs. The chefs believe that their pizza will be able to break the record of the longest pizza (1595 meters).

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