The Dhaka Times
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The camel killed the owner by biting his head!

The Dhaka Times Desk Camels are very harmless animals. He is never seen throwing tantrums. But this time this innocent animal got angry and bit his owner's head!

Camel attack owner killed

It is very hot, the two legs of the camel were tied on it for the whole day. At the end of the day, the camel from the Indian state of Rajasthan could not handle the anger. In retaliation, this animal has bitten the owner's head and separated it from the torso.

The gruesome incident that took place in Rajasthan's Burma district last Saturday. 25 villagers managed to calm down the enraged animal after 6 hours of effort.

According to Times of India, Urja Ram of local Mangata village was busy entertaining guests at his home on Saturday night. He suddenly remembers that his pet camel has been outside all day in the scorching heat and the camel's legs are tied. He quickly went to the camel and untied its legs. But before that, this speechless animal got very angry.

Eyewitness villagers said the camel grabbed Urza by the neck, lifted her up and threw her into a nearby yard. Then he bit the person's body and at one point severed his head from the body.

Earlier also this camel once attacked Urja Rama. At present the highest temperature is prevailing in India. The soldiers who guard the India-Pakistan border riding on camels have also faced a lot of problems due to camels. Keeping the camel calm in the scorching heat is becoming quite difficult. Recently an army man on patrol was thrown from his back by a camel. Since then the soldiers have been in a lot of trouble.

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