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Few ways to save smartphone from rainwater

The Dhaka Times Desk If you go out, you can get rained at any time. During this time, the mobile can also fall under the rain. Learn how to save.

Smartphones are a few ways to save rain water

It is normal that the thought of getting wet in the rain is only on the mobile phone. Because now everyone has a smartphone with hi-fi. On the other hand, rain is the biggest enemy of smartphones. So how to save your smartphone from this rain, know the way.

# Always carry a plastic packet or ziplock pouch when going out in rainy season. These ziplock pouches are now available in the market at various prices. Your smartphone will be completely protected in this pouch.

# Can't talk on the phone at all while getting drenched in the rain. Once even a drop of rain enters the smartphone, there is no way to save your phone.

# Many use different covers. You can also use a waterproof cover if you wish.

# Switch off your smartphone if you see it raining outside. Even if water somehow gets into it, it won't do much damage.

# If talking on the mobile in the rain is absolutely necessary, you must use an umbrella.

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