The Dhaka Times
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Yogita, the mother of 2 children, is India's most 'educated' truck driver!

The Dhaka Times Desk Truck driving is a tough job. And so men do this. But this time an educated woman has taken the steering of the truck.

Yogeeta of India's most educated truck driver

We find one woman truck driver who is the most educated truck driver in India. The mother of these 2 children is a truck driver named Yogita. You will be surprised to hear about his educational qualifications. This woman with a bachelor's degree in commerce and law! Although it seems unbelievable, the fact is true! He is probably the most educated truck driver in India.

No one can say who fate will lead to where. As is the case with Yoga. Yogita, a girl from Uttar Pradesh, grew up in Maharashtra. In 1991, Yogita got married to a man from Bhopal.

Before the marriage, it was stated by the bridegroom that the person advocated in the Bhopal High Court. But later he found out that it was all a hoax. After knowing this, Yogita's head was struck by lightning. Within that time, Yogita has become a mother of two children.

There was trouble in his family everyday. Yogita's husband died in a road accident about 16 years ago. Yogita could not think of how to handle two children single-handedly. In such a situation, despite being a law graduate, Yogita became a truck driver.

But why did not advocate? Yogita's explanation to that question is that to advocate, one had to start working as a junior. It could not support two children properly. So he entered such a profession by compulsion. Yogita said in her own words, I am probably the most educated truck driver in the country.

Yogita is no longer dissatisfied with her profession. He said that initially he had to face many problems. Yogita had to endure many sarcasms, sarcasms, temptations, oblique comments, various bitter experiences. This woman was firm in her decision. He said that he has been driving trucks since 2000. By 2013, he had covered nearly 5 lakh kilometers.

He has no headache with this feat. He didn't come into this profession to prove social taboos wrong - that's what he said. According to Yogita, there is no reason to think that I am from another planet.

It is to be noted that Yogita's two children - Joshika and Yashwin are currently studying at the graduate level.

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