The Dhaka Times
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How misunderstandings happen with loved ones

The Dhaka Times Desk Where there are relationships, there are values. And then there may be quarrels for small reasons. We need to be aware of this misunderstanding.

How are misunderstanding with loved ones

No matter how many quarrels there are, with time it is settled again. But in every relationship one thing is too common. And that is a misunderstanding. Sometimes we misjudge the person close to us without realizing it.

Many times it is seen, maybe he is trying to understand something, but we misunderstand him without understanding it. This misunderstanding creates complications in the relationship, which can sometimes lead to distance and even separation.

When we're in a relationship, we think our partners think the same way we do. But each of us has different thinking power. We all think differently. Analysis of each subject is different for everyone.

It can be seen that many times we do not agree with someone very close to us on any matter. That's when our thinking towards him started to change. Once we start disagreeing with someone, we no longer like anything about that person. A bad idea started forming in his mind. Misjudging someone basically starts from here.

One thing we have to keep in mind in such situations is that we all think differently. Therefore, in many cases the same opinion may not be the case. So it should not be judged based on this.

It is therefore wise to accept each person's way of thinking in order to cut through the complexities of relationships. Otherwise, stress will increase for no reason, and the problem will not be solved. A judicious analysis of the issues would be beneficial for all.

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