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This app will break the pride of loved ones!

The Dhaka Times Desk Arrogance with loved ones can happen at any time. But breaking that pride is quite difficult. But the app has come to make this matter easier. This app will break the pride of loved ones!


Pride between friends or husband and wife? A little apology often goes a long way. Again many times a lot of wood-straw has to be burned.

However, this apology can be made through a mobile phone application! One such application is called MSTY or 'My Song to You'. With this app only 30 second song clips can be sent. Apart from this, it also has the facility to send pictures and messages.

This app is developed by a London company. This app has already been released in 155 countries of the world. It is currently available for download on Google Play and App Store. It has a list of over 2,000 songs, divided into different categories.

MSTY founder Grant Bowie asserts, 'The appeal of music is powerful. It is used everywhere in films, television, advertisements. But why can't music be played as a message? This app will work great.'

So what else? Install this new app if you want to break pride.

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