The Dhaka Times
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Ayesha, the Afghan girl whose nose was cut off, is now healthy

The Dhaka Times Desk With the help of the West, the successful launch of weapons on the nose of Afghan girl Ayesha Mohammad Zai (19) has been completed. Doctors in the United States have replaced Ayesha's amputated nose with an artificial nose. The photo has been published for the first time by many media outlets, including CNN recently. Ayesha, the first Afghan teenager with a severed nose, appeared on the cover of Time magazine. Seeing that fate at the hands of her pro-Taliban husband, sympathy was generated all over the world. Showing a face without a nose was very difficult for Aisha.

Afghan Girl Aisha

Ayesha got married when she was 16 Ayesha and her sister were handed over to one side as part of a peace deal between the Taliban and locals in Uruzgan province. Ayesha's future husband was on that side He then took Ayesha and her sister Ayesha and her sister are treated as slaves by the in-laws The Taliban family subjected him to unspeakable torture. Ayesha runs away Ayesha was caught by her husband in Kandahar As punishment, the husband cut off his nose and ears and threw him in a remote mountain. This incident happened last year in Uruzgan province located in the south of Afghanistan Ayesha said, 'When they were cutting my nose and ears, I fainted. After waking up in the middle of the night, I felt cold water on my nose. I could not open my eyes because of the blood.'

Ayesha herself agreed to pose for Time magazine According to Ayesha, "I want the whole world to see what is happening in Afghanistan." Let everyone know what the plight of girls will be if the Taliban comes to power.”

Time magazine also wrote that this incident did not happen ten years ago, it happened recently If the US troops leave Afghanistan at this moment, how will these helpless girls be protected?

Many anti-war people say that helpless Ayesha is being used In doing so, the US invasion of Afghanistan is being approved Arrangements are being made for them to stay in Afghanistan for a longer time It should be said that after the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, about 43 percent of Americans now think that going to Afghanistan is not right. Sending troops to Afghanistan was a wrong decision

Source: CNN

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