The Dhaka Times
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The story of smart nut seller Tahmina!

The Dhaka Times Desk Tahmina, a student of Lalmatia Mahila College, proved that no work is too small for anyone. Today is the story of the smart nut seller Tahmina!

Smart nut seller Tahmina story

According to a published news, a young woman was ferrying in small thongs in Rabindra Sarovar in the capital. At first sight one would never think of the young woman as a hawker. Because he has white headphones in his ears, navy blue shirt, Converse on his feet and jeans! This shows his elite identity.

But when he got closer, he saw a bag on his back and a medium bamboo basket hanging around his neck. The young woman is ferrying nuts full of small thongs. Everyone is surprised to see such a scene!

When asked, she said the name - Tahmina Rahman. Age 23. Family and friends call him 'Katha'.

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Talking to him, it is known that he is a third year student of management department at Lalmatia Women's College. He was born in Saturia upazila of Manikganj. Now lives in Dhanmondi. Father works at Habibur Rahman Saturia Hospital; His mother Ayesha Habib also worked in the same hospital. But the mother died in 2008. After that, father became alone. The daughter also has to stay in Dhaka leaving her father due to education.

After high school, Tahmina got an opportunity for higher education in Malaysia. Although the whole family wanted to settle in Malaysia, Tahmina refused. He wants to do something in the country.

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The attitude to prefer any profession is strong independent will from birth. But first Tahmina was getting courage. However, Tahmina's courage comes from the word 'Dream Van' written by Tajul Islam, a handsome hawker of the city. That's why despite being a daughter of an elite family, she started selling nuts on the streets of the city, considering any work like writing to be great.

Tahmina is currently selling nuts at various points in Dhanmondi. He bought almonds from Saturia at the rate of 80 to 90 taka per kg. The nuts are carefully selected and roasted at home. Later he put it in a beautiful black thong and gave it to the customers. At the end of the day, Tahmina returned home after earning two to two and a half taka in just a few hours.

It is his only desire that any man should value any work, or not look down upon it.

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Talking about selling nuts, Tahmina said, 'I used to work in a good travel agency. I quit my job and started selling almonds. I like the independent life a lot. All actions are great. Work is always work. There should never be any discrimination between jobs. I can't find any difference between selling nuts and working in a travel agency! Because both professions are great for me. And such thoughts can change people and reach high places. Bangladesh is a small country of ours - it may not be possible to get such a big job. So you should leave all the frustration and focus on any work.'

Tahmina Rahman said, 'I am a nut seller; Many do not want to believe. Someone asks - have I come to help someone (i.e. collect funds)? Then I tell them - I have come to help myself, not others, I want to do something.'

Tahmina also said, 'How much money is earned by selling nuts is not a big deal. My message to all the boys and girls of the country is: 'Let's do something'. All the work of the country should be given equal importance without sitting idle.'

There was no end of surprise to see such news in a companion online magazine. Thanks to that magazine (

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