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The search for a strange tree that 'blood' comes out when cut! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk It has already been proven that trees have life. However, it is probably not heard that blood comes out when a tree is cut. Now one such tree has been found.

Blood out of a tree

Scientist Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose proved that even trees have life. We have proof of that. But the tree will have blood! Or we have never heard of blood coming out like a human when cut. But the surprising thing is that such a tree has been found, which bleeds out when cut.

This strange tree is from the desert region of Australia. There is a kind of tree whose trunk bleeds. And if the tree is cut, the blood comes out gurgling!

This strange tree is called Corymbia opaca, because of this special feature this tree is called bloodwood. These trees with a height of 8 to 10 meters are found in the desert areas of Australia.

Researchers said that the blood that comes out when cutting this tree is actually the tissue of this tree. At first glance, this tissue looks like everyone's blood. The same is true of the African dragon tree.

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