The Dhaka Times
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76 years without food!

The Dhaka Times Desk Can people ever live without food? But now such a person has been found. Who has spent 76 years of life without food!

76 years without eating and drinking

'Mataji' of Gujarat, India. Real name is Prahlad Bhaijani. This saint, disciple of Goddess Amber, has lived for 76 years without eating anything! Although it seems like a story, the incident is actually true. This 'Mataji' or Sadhu Prahlad Bhaijani has passed many different tests very well!

He was born on August 7, 1929 in Rajasthan. At the age of only 7 years, according to the orders of the three goddesses of Hinduism, he engaged in the pursuit of spiritual power. In his words, 'I had to walk a road of one hundred to two hundred kilometers through the forest. I never sweat. I don't feel hungry or sleepy. I can meditate for three to twelve hours straight.' This saint is alive at the age of 87. He has no disease in his body.

He was taken to a hospital in Ahmedabad to unravel the mystery of this saint Prahlad who survived without food. This saint was kept under camera for 24 hours continuously for 15 days. In that same condition, fifteen days passed one by one under the nose of the scientists, yet Sadhuji did not take any food. He didn't even urinate or defecate for once.

Saint Prahlad Bhaijani claimed that he was able to achieve this impossible by having Goddess Amber's blessings on his head!

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