The Dhaka Times
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Bangladesh's first children's channel Twinkle TV is coming

The Dhaka Times Desk Many new TV channels have emerged in Bangladesh in recent times. But there are only two streams among these TV channels. One entertainment and two news oriented TV channels. But this time, Bangladesh's first children's channel Twinkle TV is coming.

children's TV channel TWINKLE

It is known that Twinkle TV, the first children's channel of Bengali culture, started with the slogan of 'Shishutirth's open window'. This Twinkle TV channel will officially start its journey on the birthday of Sheikh Russell, the youngest son of the architect of independent Bangladesh, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, on October 18.

It is known that this children's channel is working in full swing with a group of energetic children and the country's best journalists, freedom fighters and intellectuals.

It is known that Tushar Amin (Chairman), Maksum Sourav (Managing Director) and Mueed Hasan Tarit (Chief Executive) under the supervision of these three energetic young entrepreneurs are dreaming day and night about the journey of this TV. Hero freedom fighter and pioneer of Bangladesh journalism Harun Habib is serving as the chief advisor of this entire team.

The animation promo of Twinkle TV has already been released on social media. The promo was produced by Redwanul Haque Fardeen.

Twinkle TV will make history in children's media including language, culture and history of liberation war of Bangladesh. Also, we hope that this new channel will play an important role in the development of children's intelligence and thinking.

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