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A chicken has been roaming in the sea for two years!

The Dhaka Times Desk People walk in the sea. But can chickens ever roam the sea? Have you ever heard such an incredible story? So listen now.

A chicken is running sea for two years

A chicken has been roaming in the sea for two years! Although it seems unbelievable, the story is actually true. For two years, a chicken wanders the sea as a companion of an explorer. They have already traveled from the Spanish Canary Islands to the West Coast of Africa to the Caribbean Islands! From there they traveled north to the Arctic Ocean. Currently they are staying in Greenland. This amazing news was given by BBC.

That chicken's name is Monika. His partner's name is Gyrek Sudi. He lives in the Brittany region of France. He took Monica aboard his ship from the Canary Islands two years ago at the beginning of the world tour. Monika's only job is to sit on the ship's deck and enjoy the natural beauty.

Gyrek Sudi said, 'Initially I thought whether a cat could be taken as a companion on this expedition or not. But later I thought, there is a lot of trouble in taking a cat. It will require a lot of care. But that will not be the case with chicken. And the additional debt will be eggs.'

Gyrek Sudi said, Monika is not afraid of sea water at all. During the day, Monika moves seamlessly throughout the 39-foot-long vessel. At night or if the weather is bad, he is taken into his little room.

Gyrek also said that from Greenland they will cross the Sumerian Sea and cross the Bering Strait to reach Alaska in the United States. This is how they have spent the last two years in the sea!

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