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A love story of a dwarf in Brazil!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people know about dwarfs. Especially in our country dwarfs make a living by performing in circuses. But today there is a story of a dwarf in love.

Brazilian dwarf love story

This love story started on Facebook. They first talk on Facebook. Then slowly like it. 18 months passed like this. Will the relationship last with Katusia! That's what Brazilian dwarf Paulo Gabriel da Silva Barros felt after he was blocked.

But one day Katusia Hoshino talks to her old friend Paolo. Then that relationship turns into love, then marriage. This dwarf couple has spent 8 years now.

If they are dwarfs, what will happen in love can match the story of the famous movie! They are not Layli-Majnu or Romeo and Juliet, yet many are surprised to hear their love story. But we know how much the society values them for being dwarfs.

Paolo said, holding back his regret, 'Well, what's not to love about being a dwarf?' Paulo Gabriel da Silva Barros had tears glistening in the corners of his eyes as he spoke.

With his wife Katusia Hoshino sitting next to him, he was saying, 'We are dwarfs, but so what? We are like five other couples. But the difference is only about our height. We love each other very much. He asked, do you know what is the biggest chemistry in our relationship? We understand each other, always feel like ourselves.'

"Paolo's greatest quality is that he loves and understands me very much," Katusia said, holding her husband's hand. Whenever I get angry, he keeps quiet. Later he explained to me. Then everything is fine again.' This is how dwarf couples tell their love story to the media.

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