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A young British man tried to kill Trump

The Dhaka Times Desk A British youth has been arrested for taking away police weapons at Donald Trump's rally in the US state of Nevada. He did this with the intention of shooting the controversial nominee of the Republican Party.


British media outlet Independent said that Michael Stanford, the British youth who was arrested last Saturday, arrived in Nevada's resort town of Las Vegas by road from California with the sole intention of killing Donald Trump.
According to the news agency, a procession of Donald Trump was organized at the Treasure Island Casino in Las Vegas last Saturday, local time. The young man named Michael Stanford was arrested from there.

Michael Stanford has been charged with complicity in violence, the BBC said. He was ordered held in police custody without bail when he was arraigned in a Nevada court. Stanford's next hearing is set for July 5.

Citing court documents, the BBC said Stanford had been planning to shoot Trump for a year. Stanford recently gained enough confidence to implement it. Last Saturday, Stanford appeared at Trump's rally in Las Vegas, Nevada.
A spokesman for the UK Foreign Ministry said that they have learned about the arrest of a British citizen in Las Vegas, USA. Necessary assistance is being given in this regard from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

It should be noted that American billionaire Donald Trump has been controversial with various comments including the proposal to expel Muslims from the United States, calling the citizens of Mexico rapists. Many analysts believe that Donald Trump is the most controversial candidate in the history of US presidential elections.

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