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Half a million immigrants, including Bangladeshis, face deportation in the United States

The Dhaka Times Desk After an executive order by US President Barack Obama, everyone thought that the miserable immigration life was going to end. In fact, half a million immigrants, including Bangladeshis, are facing deportation.

Bangladeshi immigrant

Last Thursday, in a ruling, the United States Supreme Court pushed half a million illegal immigrants, including millions of Bangladeshis, to face deportation from the United States.

According to media reports, on November 20, 2014, US President Barack Obama announced in an executive order. His order paved the way for 5 million illegal immigrants living in the United States to obtain legalization.

Under the executive power of the president, Obama ordered that those who have been living in the United States illegally for more than 5 years can register by applying for legalization. This opportunity was further extended to higher degree and skilled technical workers.
Not only the registration, but also the process of issuing 'work permit' for these migrants to earn a living by working started at that time. The order was called 'Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents' or known as 'DAPA'.

However, Republicans reacted angrily to Obama's announcement. They claimed that the President did not have the authority to make this announcement bypassing the Congress. Republicans went to court against the president's announcement.

Judges, however, could not give a clear decision in the judgment of the Supreme Court given last Thursday local time. Due to which the executive order given by the US President was suspended.

According to the BBC, the judges split into two groups while delivering the verdict. In other words, an executive order by President Barack Obama has practically stalled as the eight justices split into two equal parts.

Meanwhile, the divided judgment of the Supreme Court is spreading anger and frustration among immigrants across the United States, including Bangladeshis. Protests have been held in New York, Washington DC, Los Angeles, Florida, Texas, Arizona, etc. after the news of the Supreme Court's decision.

According to media reports, there are currently about 1.1 million people living illegally in the United States. Recently, the situation became more complicated when the government took the initiative to repatriate a part of these illegal immigrants. This is because a large number of their children are living in the United States as legal citizens.

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