The Dhaka Times
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Grameenphone's affordable smartphone 'Lava Irish'

The Dhaka Times Desk With the slogan of 'internet for all', Grameenphone brought the affordable Lava brand Irish-505 smartphone to the market to deliver Internet services at the marginal level to advance Digital Bangladesh activities.

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Only 23 percent of the country's total mobile phone users are 13.2 million smartphone users. That is why Grameenphone has taken this step.

Yasir Azman, Chief Marketing Officer, Grameenphone said, 'It will not only help improve people's quality of life, but it will also help them reach their digital goals in the long term.'

He said, this handset will now help many people stay digitally connected.
According to Grameenphone, the Lava Irish-505 smartphone has a 2-megapixel rear camera and a 2-megapixel front camera for taking photos and selfies. The smartphone also has three modes namely Face Beauty, Panorama and Smile Shot to take beautiful pictures!

Also, this smartphone has a WVGA 4 inch screen so that the user can enjoy videos, pictures and games.

This smartphone has Android KitKat 4.4 operating system. Due to which user can easily download the app from Google Play Store.

This smartphone also has a 1.3 GHz dual-core processor, 512 megapixel RAM and 4 GB internal memory. This set also has an SD card slot, so that additional memory cards can be added. This set has 1400 ampere battery.

This 'Lava Irish' set also has 3G, EDGE and WiFi connectivity. The price of the set is only Tk 2945 with one year service warranty. The set will be available at all Grameenphone centers in the country.

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