The Dhaka Times
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[Trailer] Telefilm 'Ksharan' will be aired on 2nd day of Eid at 2:30 PM on Channel 9

The Dhaka Times Desk Telefilm 'Ksharan' will be aired on Channel 9 at 2:30 PM on the 2nd day of Eid. Tareen, Hriday Khan, Sabila Noor and many others acted.

Telefilm Khoron

Telefilm - 'Ksharan' Story Screenplay and Dialogues - Rafiqul Islam Paltu, Tanmoy Tansen, Rifat Anthi.
Directed by Tanmoy Tansen. It starred Tareen, Hridoy Khan, Sabila Noor and many others.
The performance includes - Drik. Production - PR Productions. This telefilm will be seen on the 2nd day of Eid at 2:30 PM on Channel 9.

Telefilm Khoron-2

Soumik is the most talented boy among friends. Everyone spends time chatting, gaming before class presentation
doing, sleeping Everyone's trust is modest. And these incidents happen in Soumik's house. Only one cares the whole time
To Soumik. Much like governance. The girl's name is Sukti. Soumik's classmates, soulmate all. As a future software engineer, he is now well known among his friends. Soumik met Nandita through Roni's friend. Nandita is Roni's relative. 15 years older. the widow She now looks after the business left by her husband.

Telefilm Khoron-3

He met Soumik because of software problems. Soumik rescues Nandita's company from a huge complication. The friendship between the two during the day and night work. Soumik became weak. The distance is increasing with ease. Soumik tells about himself to Nandita. At first she reacted but later Nandita also got involved.

Telefilm Khoron-4

Soumik's studies go well. Sukti also understands everything. gets the cost Keep yourself away. A third person comes between Soumik and Nandita. At first Nandita was caught by Soumik but later denied. Adnan. Another lover of Nandita. Nandita says Adnan has no problem to continue with me even knowing you are in my life. Now think if you will continue like this? Soumik gets confused….. this time there is no one to stand by except Sukti…..!


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