The Dhaka Times
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Tin tong, so the smartest hotel in the country!

The Dhaka Times Desk Even though it is like a tin tong house, everything is royal. Comfort level is also very high. So this hotel is called the smartest hotel in the country!

smart hotel in country

After the news of this hotel was published in the media, there was an uproar. The management of this hotel is so tiptop that the tourists are speechless. But the surprise of this smart hotel in Ahmedabad, India lies elsewhere. Knowing that, everyone's eyes will roll.

What can be seen in the eyes, can come to many thoughts. But Abnormal will stop if you know, in fact, this story is very scary. These hotels are not brick-stone-cement products. The material it is made of is from discarded shipping containers. A special luxury hotel has been decorated and decorated with that! Where there is absolutely no shortage of comfort.

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The hotel is planned by Highrise Hospitality, an Ahmedabad-based company in India. The service is called Beetle Smart'Otels. This smart hotel can be reached anywhere in the country within 90 days! Not only such super luxury bedroom, wash room, hall-restaurant is also inside it. By 2018, the owners of the organization have planned to spread 2000 such hotel rooms in the entire country. And that's how their work is progressing.
