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Vote with a cat at the end!

The Dhaka Times Desk The lucky cat's name is Browser. He has lived in a public library in the United States for 6 years. However, this cat is finally voted on!

Vote for a cat

But after living for 6 long years, this animal will now have an address somewhere else. The reason is that the city authorities of Fort Worth, Texas have made such a decision.

However, it was not an easy task. The reason is that just as there are detractors of the browser, the number of fans and supporters is also not less. Therefore, whether he can live in that public library or not, it has to be finalized through voting. Finally, within 30 days, the cat will have to find a new home!

City council member LG Clements called a special meeting on June 14 to resolve the cat issue. After that the matter was finalized by voting.

Mayor Ron White told local media that no City Hall employee may enter the office with a pet cat under any circumstances. Again, public libraries are not allowed to keep cats. But so far no objection has been raised about the browser.

However, browser supporters have not given up yet. Former councilor Alan Price said they would make an application to reinstate the cat. Children love this cat very much. He is not just a cat, but like everyone else. He has been living in the library for 6 years. Facebook also has its own browser page. His friends and supporters will launch a petition. If necessary, the voting will be demanded again in this matter.

Lillian Blackburn, president of the Friends of the White Settlement Public Library, said they are willing to do anything for the cat's sake.

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