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Muslim hater Donald Trump's tone is now going to be soft!

The Dhaka Times Desk Trump, the Republican candidate for the upcoming US presidential election, has probably realized that he did not show much prudence after the Orlando incident. So his tone started to soften.

Donald Trump is going to be anti-Muslim tone so soft

Hope Hicks, the spokeswoman for the Republican candidate, said, "Muslims cannot come to America from any country, this is not what the boss (Trump) really wanted to say. He wants Muslims from countries where terrorism has crossed the line to be banned from coming to America.' Hicks e-mailed Trump's statement to various media outlets.

Since last December, Trump has been continuously firing cannons against Muslims. Someone started saying that, this may be the 'Trump-card' in this election! Incidentally, the Republican candidate began beating his well-known Muslim-hating 'drum' even louder as the perpetrator of the Orlando incident was a Muslim.

At that time, Trump directly said, "There should be a strict ban on Muslims coming to America from any country." After that, Trump started speaking harshly against Muslims in one tweet after another. Not only America, but the whole world started a storm of condemnation. The entire world public opinion began to move against such racist behavior and comments of the presidential candidate of a country like America. Those who voted for Trump a few days earlier in the American primaries, eventually started to express their displeasure with Trump's unrestrained racist comments. The agitation started in the Republican Party as well.

Trump went to play golf in Scotland on Saturday. Trump has a golf course there. Journalists also went along. There, a journalist asked him, if a Muslim from Scotland wanted to visit America, would Trump send him away saying 'don't bother me'? Trump's spokesman Hicks was next to him. After that, Trump's spokesman did not delay sending e-mails to reporters!

From then on, the tone is fundamentally different. In other words, the most extreme Muslim hater, Donald Trump, has now started to bow his head. Because he understood, 'maybe this issue may be tomorrow for him!'

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