The Dhaka Times
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Celebrity Chef: Only 6 years old! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk The world has never seen such a case of becoming a chef at such a young age. A child named Nihal has become a celebrity safe at the age of only four years!

Chef Nihal (01)

The world is shocked by the news of such a celebrity in the media. In fact, the fact is that seeing mother busy in the kitchen, she also got the courage to do business with her hands and feet. Almost all children have this desire. But Nihal Raj, a four-year-old boy, took cooking seriously at that age - this is it.

Chef Nihal 02

Today Nihal not only cooks without fear, she also invents new recipes! Not only that, Ustad also wants to keep those recipes a secret from the chefs.

Nihal's father Rajagopal VK told the media that they uploaded a video of Nihal cooking on Facebook as a joke. Seeing that, many people said that Nihal should start his own YouTube channel. A casting agency wanted to buy her rights after seeing a video of her making mango ice cream on Facebook. Facebook demanded $2,000 for the video.

Nihal Raj Kicha tube

Needless to say, a big part of that money ends up in Nihal's pocket. Although people are small, their minds are very big. Nihal donated a large part of the money earned for the treatment of autistic children in Kerala!

So why not watch Nihal's video and also try to help the family in home cooking even if you are not a celebrity like Nihal!

Watch the video
