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Malaysia's Shariah High Court appoints a female judge

The Dhaka Times Desk This is the first time that two women judges have been appointed in the Islamic Sharia High Court of Malaysia. This is the first time in the history of the judiciary of the Muslim-majority and conservative country that a female judge has been appointed.

woman judge

According to media reports, the process of appointment of two women judges has been completed after the decision of the country's parliament. They were handed over their appointment letters in a ceremony at Istana Bukit Kayaganan.

The two female judges are Noor Huda Roslan (40) and Neni Shuhaidah Shamsuddin (41). Shuhaidah previously served as the Senior Shariah Officer at the Malaysian Attorney General's Chambers and the Chief Registrar of the Shariah Judiciary Department in Huda Selanagar.

After the appointment, Noor Huda Roslan and Neni Shuhaidah told the media, 'We think this is a positive development for the judiciary.'

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