The Dhaka Times
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Gulshan massacre latest: 20 hostages brutally killed overnight - Army [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk The army said about the operation of a foreign national hostage incident in the history of Bangladesh, 20 hostages were brutally killed that night.


The Army-led operation 'Operation Thunder Bolt' was conducted at Holy Artisan Restaurant in Gulshan.

Brigadier General Naeem Ashfaq Chowdhury, director of military operations, said in a press conference at the military base today (Saturday) that 6 of the attackers were killed in the operation. One of the attackers was captured alive. The terrorists were eliminated in 12/13 minutes in the operation which started at 7:40. At the end of the operation, 20 dead bodies were found inside the cafe. They were brutally killed in the night with sharp weapons. The identity of these 20 people is yet to be confirmed. Brigadier Ashfaq asked to contact this number 01769012524 to confirm their identity. He also said that the autopsy of the bodies of the dead hostages will be done at the Combined Military Hospital.

Thirteen people, including three foreign nationals, were rescued alive from the restaurant. Brigadier General Naeem Ashfaq Chowdhury mentioned that no member who participated in the operation was injured. In a written statement provided to reporters, all of the dead hostages were identified as foreigners.

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