The Dhaka Times
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A story of a church where Muslims pray

The Dhaka Times Desk A precedent has been set for paying respect to religion. A place of worship in Washington DC, the capital of the United States, has set this unique example of religious harmony on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan.

Muslims pray in a church story

At times, most of the religious groups have bitter relations, but a tone of unity is heard in this place of worship. Muslims perform Friday prayers in this Christian church every Friday!

People from both Muslim and Christian communities pray in the church. 8 years ago opened the door for Muslims to pray in this church named 'Church of the Epiphany'. For the past 8 years, a local man named Farooq Saeed has been responsible for organizing Friday prayers for Muslims here.

Farooq Saeed said, 'It was first started so that people could understand each other. After that, the issue of religious understanding has also been created here.'

In the beginning, only 50 people gathered here a week. Currently more than 300 people come to this church every week.

Rev Elizabeth Gardner, pastor of the church, said, 'It is our moral responsibility to be a part of world peace. We can do that very easily by loving each other.'

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