The Dhaka Times
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Death in the theater watching horror films!

The Dhaka Times Desk It is normal to get scared after watching a 'horror movie'. But that's why watching horror movies death? This is what actually happened in Tamil Nadu, India.

Horror Picture & death

A man actually died after watching a horror film in Tamil Nadu, India! The name of that film is 'Conjuring 2'.

A person died while watching that movie. Police said the man and his companion had gone to watch the horror movie at a cinema in Thiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu. During the show, when the film reached its climax, the man started having chest pains. The resident of Andhra Pradesh lost consciousness shortly. When he was taken to the hospital, the doctors declared him brought dead.

But did he really die after watching the movie, or was he already sick? The local police administration is trying to find that answer.

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