The Dhaka Times
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That's why children are forbidden to eat dirt!

The Dhaka Times Desk Anyone can be shocked to hear such words. Because children are allowed to eat dirt! How about this again? But really so.

eat dirt

We all know that children have no thoughts of their own. They do whatever they want, wherever they want. But most children love to stuff their mouths with non-food. Their toys are their favorite food. Also they prefer to eat dirt on the floor. Parents think about the health of the child and make sure that he does not eat any dirty food.

But the surprising thing is that scientists say that children should not be prevented from such activities. That is, they say, let the children eat dirty food! What is the reason for this? The reasons given by them are:

# Microbial exposure early in life helps protect our body from diseases such as allergies, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), asthma, obesity, diabetes, etc. which exists in that dirt.

# Exposure to dirt early in life is essential for your children to fully develop their immune systems as they should.

# One study found that children who grew up with a dog on a farm or at home had fewer allergy problems. Also children who grew up in very clean environment have more allergies.

# clay contains pro-biotic properties that are healthy for your gut. It can help with digestive function.

We know that # soil has a lot of mineral content. And children like to eat soil most of the time. In some cases, this soil can be used as a food supplement!

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