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Eagle trying to blow up a child!

The Dhaka Times Desk One such incident occurred on July 6 in central Australia. There's an eagle trying to blow up a baby in movie style!

One child tried to blow up an eagle

One such incident occurred at a popular wildlife exhibition there. An eagle at the wildlife exhibit tried to carry off a child with its clawed long-toed feet.

According to media sources, an eagle suddenly landed on a child's head in the Alice Springs Desert Park. The eagle tried to catch the cloth on the child's head with its curved talons and fly him away. Seeing this scene, the crowd was shocked.

Witnesses said the eagle tried to pick up the child like a small animal. The 7/8-year-old child was saved by the hooded clothing he was wearing.

An eyewitness said that the eagle suddenly came down from about 15 kilometers away and hit the child's head. Then tried to pick him up. However, the child was saved because the child had a hat on his head.

Park staff later arrived and managed to drive the eagle away. However, due to the attack of the eagle, the child's body started bleeding and bleeding. The child was crying in fear. But the wound on his body is not very serious.

Meanwhile, due to the attack of the eagle on the child, the exhibition was declared closed in a short time. The eagle is the main attraction towards the end of the exhibition. Eagles have never behaved like this before in that park. After this incident, the authorities are thinking about not keeping the eagle in the exhibition.

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