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The story of a novel floating road!

The Dhaka Times Desk A really amazing floating road has been built! Italy has surprised by building a 3 km floating road.

Fancy a floating road story

One can walk through this floating road. It has now become an attractive place for tourists. This floating road is on Lake Eco in Italy. Walking on this road will feel like you are walking on water! A 3 km floating road from the mainland merges with the small island of Lake Eco.

The idea of this novel floating road was given by American Bulgarian artist Christo and his late wife Jeanne Claude. This floating road is made of 1 lakh square meters of floating polyethylene.

Fancy a floating road story-2

This floating road was inaugurated a month ago. This floating road is opened for tourists till the first week of July.

As one can see, 2 lakh 70 thousand tourists came here in just 5 days.

Why did Christo suddenly choose this lake to build such a road? He replied that the island here is only one hundred meters above the water level.

This floating road is 16 meters wide and 500 cm thick. Standing on this fancy road offers a magnificent view of Lake Eco. A really amazing floating road!

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