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Rebels in Syria have tied IS for 48 hours!

The Dhaka Times Desk US-backed rebels fighting in Syria have given IS members 48 hours to withdraw from the city of Manbij.

Syria's rebels 48 hours Time

According to media reports, about 56 civilians have been killed in the attack of the US-led military coalition in the city of Manbij in Aleppo province for the past 2 days. Rebel fighters are in advantageous positions surrounding the city in case of coalition attacks.

The Manbij Military Council, a member of the Syrian Democratic Forces, or SDF, a coalition of forces opposed to the Syrian government, said this was the last chance for IS members to leave Manjib.

The SDF, backed by Arab and Kurdish fighters, launched an operation to dislodge IS from Manjib last month. The US is supporting Arab and Kurdish fighters.

Those warriors surrounded the city from all sides. They are currently heading towards the city centre. The international military coalition is helping the fighters with airstrikes.

According to the Manbij Military Council, IS members can carry any light weapons they have with them. Civilians may leave the city if they wish or are requested not to come to the site of the conflict, the council said in a statement.
The Manbij Military Council claimed that IS members were using civilians as human shields to defend themselves, allowing them to leave the city.

According to BBC news, IS militants and rebel fighters are fighting in different places. According to media reports, a state of war is prevailing throughout the city.

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