The Dhaka Times
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Announcing a holiday in Chennai-Bengaluru to see Rajinikanth's film!

The Dhaka Times Desk Employees of business establishments in South India have been given a day off. The authority has announced a holiday to watch the film 'Kabali'!

Rajinikanth Movie Kabali

Not for any national festival, but for watching South Indian superstar Rajinikanth's film 'Kabali', this unexpected holiday!

Rajinikanth's much talked about film 'Kabali' was released last Friday. So special is the announcement of the holiday! Their statement is that many people will not attend work on the pretext of illness to watch Rajinikanth's film. Many will turn off the phone again or do not pick up the call from the office. For that reason, the authorities have voluntarily given a holiday on the day of the release of the film 'Kabali'.

It is said that mainly, only those working in private business establishments in Chennai and Bengaluru get the benefit of this leave. According to an organization, this decision was taken by the HR department to avoid simultaneous leave application and absence due to various reasons.

Note that the rights of 'Kabali' were sold for 30 million dollars before its release. The film released simultaneously in Telugu, Hindi and Malayalam.

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