The Dhaka Times
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The location of the document will be known at home!

The Dhaka Times Desk Due to information technology, the postal department is no longer appreciated. So the work of modernization of postal department is going on. If they are implemented, the location of the document will be known at home!

position will be at home

Referring to this issue, the Minister of State for Posts and Telecommunications Tarana Halim said that the work of modernizing the postal department through three projects is progressing. If this project is implemented, people will get better postal services and customers will be able to get all the information including the destination of the letter through letter tracking and tracing at home.

In response to the question of Sukumar Ranjan Dhosh in the eleventh session of the Jatiya Sangsad (Munshiganj-1) last Thursday, the Minister of State for Telecommunication gave this information.

Tarana Halim also said that e-centers have been launched in 5 thousand 506 post offices under the project titled Post e-Center for Rural Community. The government plans to convert 8,500 post offices into e-centers by June 2017.

Tarana Halim said the digital divide between rural and urban areas will be bridged through the Post e-centre. There will be employment opportunities in rural areas. People can easily get information related to various examination results, agriculture, education and medical by using internet facility at post e-centre at village level.

The state minister also said that online facilities from villages, facility of conversation with relatives abroad through web cam, facilities of valid remittances from abroad will also be provided. Postal Cash Card EMTS, Mobile Banking various facilities will be provided at the e-centre.

Tarana Halim also said that the work of 173 ICT based rural post offices has already been completed under the project titled Construction of Rural Post Office based on information technology. 180 new tenders have been issued. He said that by June 2017, 1,000 more information technology-based rural post offices will be constructed.

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