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Mother's milk 'ATM' has been launched in India!

The Dhaka Times Desk We know that money is available at ATM booths. However, in India, the 'ATM' of mother's milk has been launched!

India's breast-milk 'ATM' is launched

The full name of this particular ATM is 'Amudham Thiappal Mayam'. The Tamil word means 'center of mother's milk'.

According to the BBC, such an exceptional 'ATM' for mother's milk was recently launched in a hospital in India. Milk procured from healthy donor mothers is distributed through these ATM booths.

In Puducherry's famous 'Jipmar' hospital, the doctors there have taken this initiative to make the babies who are born underweight or malnourished drink the much-needed mother's milk.

Subhash Chandra Parija, Director of 'Jipmar' Hospital, said, 'About 1500 babies are born every month in this hospital. Of these, about 301 TP3T are born with low birth weight. In many cases, it is not possible for the sick newborns to drink breast milk due to the physical problems of the mothers. But mother's milk is very necessary for those newborns.

Any mother can voluntarily donate extra milk at this ATM of Zipmar. However, it is carefully checked whether the donor mother has AIDS, hepatitis etc. Collected breast milk is pasteurized and stored.

However, Sumita Saha, pediatrician and neonatologist in Kolkata, said, 'There is no need to pasteurize breast milk. Store in a clean bottle at room temperature for 4 to 6 hours. However, it can be stored for 24 hours to 4 months if kept in the refrigerator. However, how long the milk will stay fresh will depend on the type of refrigerator you keep. But once taken out of the fridge, it should be used within a few moments.'

It should be noted that breast milk banks are open for working mothers in different countries.

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