The Dhaka Times Desk Anyone can be surprised to hear the words 'Frogs now play with snakes'. But the story is true. At least watch the video, then you will be convinced!
There is a law of food cycle in nature. That is, one class of eaters live by eating another class of eaters. For example, frogs eat small insects or grasshoppers, and snakes eat frogs. Many of us have seen the scene of snake frog hunting on various TV channels. Snakes eat frogs, this is the general rule. It has been like this since the beginning of creation. But this time a snake caught and ate a frog! It may not seem believable but it is true.
Although unbelievable, such a wonderful event happened recently in a forest in Kenya. Genius has given such a news. The name of that forest in Kenya is Masaimara. This strange sight of a frog eating a snake was caught on camera by a tourist who went on a trip there.
The tourist said that at first he could not believe his eyes. However, the frog itself did not motivate the snake to hunt. The frog did this strange thing while trying to protect itself from the attack of the snake. When the snake approaches the frog to gather food, the frog stands up to resist. At one point the snake tried to retreat but the frog was unwilling to forgive the snake so easily. To take revenge, he attacked the snake and bit its head. After sitting patiently for a long time, the snake gradually became dull, then the frog slowly ate the snake! In this way, the frog surprised everyone by doing a heroic act without his knowledge!
Watch this exceptional food in the video!