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Cockroach milk is more nutritious than cow's milk!

The Dhaka Times Desk We are shocked to see cockroaches. We are afraid of tigers and bears. But this time it was heard that cockroach milk is more nutritious than cow's milk!

Milk is more nutritious than cow's milk cockroach

The thought of certain things makes us uneasy, one of them being cockroaches. What do cockroaches do as food? Surely no one can fry cockroaches as food? But the reality is that cockroach milk will be the best food in the future!

Come to think of it, delicious recipes in expensive restaurants will contain special ingredients from this cockroach milk.

A group of researchers in India said that cockroach milk is at least 4 times more nutritious than cow's milk. This milk also contains a special type of protein.

Only one species of cockroach, the Pacific beetle, produces this milk. The researchers found that before the baby cockroaches give birth, they secrete these special protein-rich crystals to nourish the embryos.

Study author Sanchari Banerjee told the Times of India, 'These crystals are actually whole foods. This is because it contains protein, fat and sugar. The DNA sequence of that protein has shown that it also contains enough amino acids.'

Ramashami, another research scientist, said, 'The special benefit of this protein is that it will give energy for a long time!'

The team of scientists who made this discovery work at the Institute of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine. They believe that this milk can be used as a protein supplement in the future.

That is why scientists are trying to make the 'crystal milk' of cockroaches in the laboratory. The results of this research have also been published in the Journal of the International Union of Crystallography, according to media reports.
