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Rumors of keeping beef: 2 women beaten unconscious in India

The Dhaka Times Desk A group of extremists beat two minority Muslim women unconscious after snatching them from the police on the rumor of keeping beef in India.

Rumors of beef India

According to media reports, such an unexpected incident happened at Mandsaur railway station in Madhya Pradesh last Tuesday. The role of the police was like a silent spectator. They did not arrest the culprits, but the victim arrested the two women.

After the video of the incident was released online, there was a strong reaction in the country. There is strong criticism of this incident online and offline everywhere.

Meanwhile, the meat recovered from those women is also known to be non-cow. Tests proved it was buffalo meat!

In the Rajya Sabha also, the ruling BJP leaders have come under severe criticism from the opposition, according to Indian media. However, they could not give any good answer in the explanation of the incident.

It is learned that the police had information that two women had come to catch a train at the station with a large quantity of beef. Based on the information received from secret sources, the police arrested two Muslim women from Mandsaur station. A group of people became hyperactive after learning that the two women were arrested for carrying beef. They took the two women away from the police and beat them severely.

Standing on the platform, many people recorded the scene of the massacre on their mobile phones. It can be seen in that video that the police did not try to stop the mob beaters. A woman almost fell unconscious after being severely beaten for at least half an hour. Then the beating stopped. Many have expressed anger at the indifference of the police.

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