The Dhaka Times
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What kind of joke is the selfie generation about death?

The Dhaka Times Desk Selfie has come to such a point that in the end the death of people did not leave the selfie generation! You will understand by looking at this report.


Selfies have become so ubiquitous in the current generation that we have forgotten morality. Whether it's a hospital, or a dead person in a cemetery, this selfie has caught us everywhere! We need to get rid of it. If you look at the pictures in today's report, you might agree with us.

There are also deaths while taking selfies. Brother takes a selfie with his younger sister in the grave, son also takes a selfie with his birth father's body on his shoulder. After the death of grandfather, instead of being upset, selfies are taken with the dead body with a smile.

Just a few days ago, a boy was going to the grave with his father's body on his shoulders. He uploaded that picture on Facebook with the body on his shoulder. And in the caption of that photo, he wrote - 'I and my father's body on my shoulder, going to the grave, everyone will pray.'

Check out some of these funny selfies today:

P-2Selfie next to the lame grave for mom

P-3Selfie during prayer and grave visit

P-4Family selfie with deceased person

P-5Selfie during burial of deceased sister

P-1Selfies with grandchildren and graves in Indonesia with deceased grandmother
