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Why ATM card pin number is four digits?

The Dhaka Times Desk We all know ATM card PIN number is four digits. But we don't know why ATM card pin number is four digits. Find out today.

Why is 4 number of ATM card pin

ATM is very essential for more or less everyone these days. There is no substitute for easy cash withdrawals. But we have seen that the PIN numbers of these ATM cards are four digit numbers. A PIN starts with at least six digits as seen in the case of computers or other electronic equipment. That is, numbers of six digits or more are used. So why four digits in the case of ATM card?

This ATM keeps your hard earned money safe. With these four numbers, you can withdraw money from the ATM whenever you want. That is, this PIN number is the only trust even for online financial transactions.

Have we ever wondered why this pin number of ATM card is four digits?

Was there a woman behind the reason? But he did not invent or inaugurate this method of withdrawing money using ATM machine or ATM card or PIN number. This was done by her husband.

According to media reports, John Adrian Shepherd Baron, a Scottish inventor born in Shillong, India, is one of the pioneers in the development of today's ATM machines. He himself suggested creating a six-digit PIN number. However, over the objection of his wife Caroline, John Shepherd Barron finally decided to change the pin number to four digits. This is because Caroline's memory was not very good. Because of which it might not have been possible for him to remember the six digit pin number. To avoid forgetting, he finally suggested pinning the four digits.

In this regard we also need to thank Caroline, wife of John Shepherd Barron. Because we can use simple numbers! We sometimes confuse the four-digit pin number; If there was a six-digit pin number, it would have been more difficult for us. However, it is necessary to change the PIN number from time to time to avoid fraud.

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