The Dhaka Times
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What was the Japanese young man doing at the top of the neem tree at night?

The Dhaka Times Desk A young Japanese man sat on a neem tree in Kolkata overnight. He finally had to bring the police, fire brigade!

Japanese youth night, neem tree

The police, the fire brigade, and even an interpreter had to be brought in to bring the young Japanese man down. According to BBC Bangla news, he was finally brought down and kept in the hospital the next day (Tuesday) morning.

The Kolkata police said that the Japanese youth sat on the trunk of a neem tree last Monday around 10 pm in the Tapsia area of the city's southeast. After the complaint of the local people, Tapsia police reached there. However, the problem arises because of the language problem. At first it was impossible to talk to him. Two other Japanese nationals were later brought in to act as interpreters.

Still, the 24/25-year-old Japanese youth was sitting on the floor without listening to anyone's request. Firefighters and disaster response forces arrived first to bring him down. They put a ladder on the tree about 40 feet high, then cut the tree branch and started trying to get the young man down.

At that time, the Japanese youth broke the mug and fell into a nearby pond. The police caught him immediately. The night passed while doing these things!

In the morning, the Japanese national was taken to the local Chittaranjan National Medical College Hospital.

It is initially known that the Japanese youth came to Kolkata a week ago. On the other hand, the police also contacted the Japanese consulate.

However, why he climbed the neem tree, and why he did such a drama throughout the night, the police is yet to know. However, the Japanese citizen is being interrogated to clarify the matter!

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