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Private cars will run under the bus! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk The movement of the world is really changing day by day. Now a new type of bus has been launched in China. The bus will run under the private car!

Car Below bus

Such a news in the media has shaken everyone a little. Not long ago, plans for giant buses were revealed in China. Recently, this new type of exceptional bus has also started testing on the roads of China. The bus is so tall and huge that a line of private cars can easily pass under it. Fox News published such a report.

The giant bus that China recently launched on trial is called the Transit Elevated Bus (TEB-1). This bus does not require any extra space to run. It is possible for private cars and this new type of big bus to ply simultaneously on one road. The Chinese authorities believe that traffic congestion can be made bearable through this type of bus service. The gigantic new type of bus is about 72 feet long and 25 feet wide.

According to news media, lines like railway lines have been placed on both sides of the road for the movement of this bus. The bus also has its own traffic lights and various sensitive devices to avoid accidents. But in the first stage the speed of the bus is kept at 37 miles per hour. In terms of passenger capacity, this bus has no match! That is why the Chinese authorities believe that it will be possible to reduce the traffic congestion by using the bus. The passenger capacity of the bus is 300. This new type of bus will be able to move easily over the traffic jam with office going passengers during the busy time.

This bus is being tested in Qinhuangdao, China. After creating a computer model, the bus was actually built in less than three months. It is said that this new type of bus will be able to reduce traffic jam by 35 percent. For that reason, not only China, Brazil, France, Indonesia and even India have expressed interest in this bus!

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