The Dhaka Times
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Praying on the branches of the neem tree! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk The best place to pray is the mosque. It is a sacred place for prayer. But a woman in India's Uttar Pradesh has created a sensation by praying on the branches of a neem tree!

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According to media reports, a woman from Uttar Pradesh created a sensation by climbing to the top of a neem tree and praying on a branch. A video of this incident has gone viral on various social media including Facebook. The country's dominant television ABP aired a seven-minute report on the incident of the woman praying on a tree branch.

It shows that a woman is praying on a tree branch 40/50 feet above the ground. As the matter was known, hundreds of people gathered under and around the tree. The people present see this scene of him praying.

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