Fingerprint is going to be an alternative to credit card?

The Dhaka Times Desk There have been a lot of recent incidents involving credit cards. Credit card fraud has taken place. Technologists are thinking of fingerprints to prevent fraud.

The Telegraph reported on this. According to the news, technology entrepreneurs say that if human finger vein can be connected with such a credit card or bank account, it will be possible to make transactions by placing a finger on a small scanner. That way there will be no hassle of carrying cash or credit card at all. In other words, the technology entrepreneurs went one step further to say goodbye to plastic credit cards!

Companies like McDonald's have also started using finger-scanning payment technology. This technology is called 'Fingo Pay'. It was developed by British startup Stallar. In this method, the customer's finger veins are scanned through a biometric reader. This creates a map of that customer's veins. This map is unique to each person.

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This stalker was founded by an entrepreneur named Nick Dryden. A night club in London is said to be piloting the technology soon. It is supposed to be more secure than passwords or PINs.

Hendrik Kleinschmidt, director of Kolab, Visa Europe's innovation subsidiary, said of Fingo Pay: 'In today's world, people are ready to accept biometrics as a secure authentication method due to the many frauds.'

Staller claims that out of 3.4 billion people in the world, only two people have a chance of having the same finger veins. This vein scanner is manufactured by Hitachi. It is currently used in cash machines in Japan. But only stalkers are allowed to use it as retail. So by all accounts it seems that such technology is going to come as an alternative due to credit card fraud.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৫, ২০২২ 10:51 am

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